School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Study programs

Since the winter semester 2007/08, the basic education in physics with the classical study goal Diplom-Physiker has been replaced by the courses of studies:

  • Bachelor in Physics
  • Master of Science in Physics

The interdisciplinary training for the Bachelor of Applied Science combines two subjects from the mathematics and natural sciences.
The combination of natural science and non-scientific subjects is possible in the Bachelor of Arts.

Since the winter semester 2004/2005, the international master's degree program
Computer Simulation in Science is offered in english language.

European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)

ECTS is the European system for credit transfer and is used, for example, when transferring between universities in Europe. The system is intended to make the effort required to complete a course objectively comparable.

The unit in this currency system is the credit point. One credit point corresponds to a student workload of 30 hours. Of course, these are average values, since the amount of work required to successfully complete a course varies from student to student, depending on inclination and aptitude.

In a full-time course of study, 60 credit points (CP) per year are usually required, which means that students are assumed to work 1800 hours per year. This is in the same order of magnitude as the working hours of full-time employees. A course of study is a full time job.