School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Award in Physics

The Physics Department of the University of Wuppertal, together with the Scientific Institution Physics of the Heinrich Heine University, annually awards the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Dissertation Prize, which is supported by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Foundation. A competition is held to select the best dissertation in the field of physics.

The best applicants, selected by a jury, are invited to a decision colloquium where they can present their scientific work and compete for the prize. Here, too, a jury decides who can take home the prize.

Application 2024

To apply for the WEH Dissertation Award 2024, please find information here. The award statutes can be found here in German and here in English.

Previous award winners and decision colloquia

Dr. Markus Geldenhuys (BUW): Improvements to gravity wave physics from an observational perspective

Link to the thesis here.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Martin Riese

Overview of the decision colloquium here.

Dr. Manuel Alejandro Escobedo Sánchez (HHU): Digital Fourier Microscopy and its application to soft matter systems

Link to the thesis here.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Stefan Egelhaaf

Overview of the decision colloquium here.

Dr. Federico Grasselli (HHU): Quantum Cryptography: from Key Distribution to Conference Key Agreement

Link to the thesis here.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Bruß

Overview of the decision colloquium here.

Dr. Vural Kaymak (HHU): Ultrahigh energy density physics and ion acceleration in nano- and microstructures.

Link to the PhD thesis here.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. A. Pukhov

Overview of the decision colloquium here.

Dr. Jan Küchler (BUW): Search for Partners of the Top Quark with the ATLAS Experiment

Link to the thesis here.

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. P. Mättig

Overview of the decision colloquium here.

Prize Commission

BUW members: Prof. Dr. Francesco Knechtli (Vice Chair), Prof. Dr. Hemker-Heß, Dr. Julian Rautenberg, Melike Konerding

HHU members: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen (Chair), Prof. Dr. Mathias Getzlaff, Dr. Hermann Kampermann, Karin Hoops


Prof. Dr. Hartmut Löwen (Chair)

E-Mail: hlowen[at]

Prof. Dr. Francesco Knechtli (Vice Chair)

E-Mail: knechtli[at]