Klümper, Andreas
Universitätsprofessor für Theoretische Festkörperphysik
We are working on gaining a better understanding of many-body systems that exhibit drastically different properties depending on temperature, pressure, magnetic field, or other parameters, both on the lattice and in the continuum. A particular challenge arises with quantum mechanical systems, which exhibit properties even in their ground energy state that have no counterpart in classical physics. Unfortunately, this also means that the computational effort for theoretical-physical work increases exponentially with system size, unlike classical particle systems. Our research methods have applications ranging from solid-state physics to the study of ultracold gases.
An important aspect of our work is the investigation of Heisenberg spin chains and similar quantum spin systems to determine their various correlation functions, which provide insights into their transport properties, whether indicating superconducting properties or lossless magnetic transport. Methodologically, we employ exact solution methods based on Yang-Baxter integrability, as well as ideas from related fields such as quantum information theory, using matrix and tensor product states in variational approaches.