School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Everything about studying physics

Here you will find the most important information about studying physics.

You can find all relevant details about studying physics in Wuppertal, the start of the programme for first-semester students, lectures , funding and prices at

General information

In addition to the Bachelor's degree in Physics, you can also combine the Physics degree programme in Wuppertal with another subject, which is a prerequisite for becoming a teacher. This is possible in the combinatorial Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Applied Science degree programmes. Wuppertal also offers the Master of Physics, the Master of Education (teacher training) and the CSiS (Computer Simulation in Science) Master's degree programme. All information on the subject can be found here:

Study programmes

You can also find all the important contacts you might need during your studies here. Be it because you have problems with certain topics or questions about your studies or because you are thinking about the possibility of a stay abroad during your studies.

Contact persons